I had a pretty good day recently.
Most of my day job gigs are rather dry, corporate/industrial affairs, usually training or internal use videos, with some broadcast here and there.
But, every once in a while, you get the choice gig.
The one with the relaxed schedule, a cool, laid-back producer, and lunch provided for you courtesy of the client.
And every once in an even greater while, you get one like I got this past Friday.
I was part of a video crew, contracted to capture the 25th anniversary party of Wieden +Kennedy, a very prominent advertising firm whose clients include Nike, Starbucks, and many other struggling-to-get-off-the-ground businesses (I hope my sarcasm is apparent here).
They took over a very large warehouse in North Portland, retro-fitting it into an indoor carnival, complete with a milk-jug toss and gypsy fire dancers in the main ring.
Plus, open bar all night. But the kicker?
Live music, provided by the Beastie Boys.
Whom I like, and have never had the opportunity to see before. And now, I was watching them in a private show.
And getting paid for it.
Eat it, suckers.
I mean that nicely. :)
Yes, sometimes it does just work out...
Link to the rest of the photos (sorry for the occasional lack of focus. As you may have noticed, I do audio for a living).