18 January 2011

Radium? Damn Near Killed Him

Radium Audio is a sound design firm doing some very creative stuff in London with two of my favorite things: guns and microphones!


Radium Audio Ltd - Gun Recording Film from Radium Audio Ltd on Vimeo.

04 January 2011

Gaff Tape and Bubble Gum

Okay, so to save myself from having to double post, I'm going to try using an RSS feed as a source from my Pro Audio Coalition blog back to here. Clunky and ugly, but it serves its purpose. If it doesn't work for some of you using your own RSS readers, let me know and I can figure out something else. Semaphore, maybe...

03 January 2011

There's a New Sheriff in Town...

First, I’d like to thank the Academy…that is, Starfleet Academy for being so awesome (dude: they go into outer space!)...

Read more at Pro Audio Coalition.

He Went Thataway

Greetings, programs. [throws blue frisbee, realizes loneliness]

Someone left the front door unlocked, and now I’ve snuck in to the offices of ProAudio Coaliton, which are much shinier and nicer than the offices of sync.sound.cinema.com, seeing as how they have actual offices rather than the back booth of a dive bar where I can poach free wifi.

sync.sound.cinema will be maintained, with a teaser and redirecting link for content. I urge all of you to click over early and often, as the good folks at P.A.C. have dangled the carrot of ad revenue sharing in front of me, and if there’s anything I like more than root vegetables on sticks, it’s being able to pay my rent.

It’s time to put my big-boy pants on. Seeing as how I make a point to not wear pants of any kind whilst writing, consider this a major step.
